I went for my first oncology appointment yesterday. I really like Dr. Halepota and his office is right inside the cancer center which is more like a fancy resort then a medical center. It has serenity fountains, reflection courtyards, upscale boutiques that sell wigs, scarves, knitted hats, clothing, etc. It is amazing. The part that was a little upsetting was the fact that all of the other patients I saw looked SO sick! Seeing all the bald heads, pale faces, and bodies with huge red ulcers and sores was a little it much for me. And of course everyone commented that no way should a 28 year have colon cancer. Dr. Halepota said his average colon cancer patent was 70 years old!
The Dr. outlined what he wants to do:
1. Six months of Chemotherapy (once every 2 weeks via 48 hour infusion)
2. Genetic testing
3. A Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scan. It is a medical imaging technique that can search for cancer anywhere in your body.
4. Blood tests every month.
I am in agrreement with his plan so away we go. I am scheduled on Wednesday for outpatient surgery to have a Port-a-Cath put in my neck which is a device for intravenous access in patients who require frequent or continuous administration of intravenous substances, like Chemotherapy drugs. I have included a picture below. Then I have an appointment the next day for chemo training. All aspects of my chemo will be discussed at length. I will have more to tell after that appointment I am sure.