Ouch! This Port-A-Cath Doesn't Tickle

As I mentioned in a previous post I had an appointment to get a Port-A-Cath put in my neck/chest today.

Basically I went in and had an IV put in my arm, then I chilled out for awhile until they were ready for me. Then they gave me a mild sedative through the IV and injected me with local anesthetic in two places…in my neck and just above my collarbone. Then they made two incisions, the larger one being about 2 inches long and they inserted the Port-A-Cath which was about the size of a plastic bottle cap with a long tube attached. So now I have a noticeable lump under my skin (looks kind of gross actually) and a long tube in my vein. I will have this thing for about 6 months so I better get used to it.

Right now it hurts quite a bit. My whole neck is stiff and sore and I can’t lift my babies which hurts more then anything as you moms know. Oh well, this too shall pass.