Delta Airline Kicks Mommy Off a Plane

Yes, I know this headline sounds outrageous but it is true. Recently a Delta airlines flight attendant had a family removed from their flight prior to takeoff because the mother was breastfeeding her baby and declined to put an airplane blanket over top of the baby to “hide” what she was doing. The mother insists that she was being discreet, being seated in the second to last row, near the window, with her husband on the other side of her, and no part of her breast was exposed. It is worth mentioning that they were in the state of Vermont which protects the rights of breastfeeding moms to breastfeed in public.

I for one am outraged as I flew many times with breastfeeding babies and had no such issues. Airplanes are a haven for germs AND nurisng during takeoff and landing helps keep baby’s ears from hurting from the air pressure. Babies NEED to nurse on airplanes. I encourage everyone to write to Delta about this and let them know this is not right!

Here is more about what happened.