Lead in Your Christmas Lights

Have you seen the warnings that now appear on some holiday lights? Some of them are sporting a label that warns that they may contain lead. Wire coating and cords are usually made of PVC plastic that may contain lead. Lead is used in PVC for several reasons. For wires and cords, lead makes the plastic more flexible and reduces the risk of fire. Lead is also used in many PVC products to stabilize the color. Lead in PVC products can disintegrate into lead-laced dust. Artificial Christmas trees are also made of PVC and could contain lead as well. You can always contact the manufacturing company to see if any lead may be present.

So what can you do to protect your family? Don’t let your children handle the lights or artificial tree and wash hands thoroughly after you handle the lights or tree yourself. It may also be a good idea to ditch the artificial tree and buy a live, potted tree instead.