Have you heard lately that the city of San Francisco in California passed legislation in June prohibiting the sale of toys containing six toxic chemicals called phthalates and another toxic substance called bisphenol-A? I was elated to hear of this law since European countries have embraced similiar laws to protect their babies against these substances but here in the US we are always a day late it seems. Well, my elation may be short lived because this new law is being challenged. The chemical corporations behind these toxic toys are suing the city of San Francisco claiming that they have no right to pass such a law. I mean imagine the audacity – a city trying to protect babies! Can you tell how angry this makes me?
The chemical companies are claiming that Federal law preempts the city’s right to protect children from toxic toys, specifically that the Federal Hazardous Substances Act and the Consumer Product Safety Commission make it illegal for municipalities to regulate toxic materials in toys.
So just who are the sleazy corporate money mongers behind this lawsuit? Citikids Baby News, The American Chemistry Council, The California Retailers Association, The California Grocers Association and The Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association. In a press release, Richard Woo, owner of Citikids Baby News said, “The volume of our sales will drop and so will the number of our employees, since we won’t be able to keep them.” Well of course profit is more important than human safety right?!
This just goes to show how powerful corporations are and how greed takes precedence over human life. They actually assert that they have a right to expose children to toxic chemicals and feel that there should be nothing we can do about it. Unfortunately it appears that at this present time governmental regulation does nothing more than protect the profit of greedy corporations. I hope, hope, hope that this lawsuit is thrown out of court and our babies get some of the protection they deserve.