Another Hospitalization

Yes, that is right another visit to the hospital, only this time I stayed for a week and had yet another surgery. Yuck.

It all started last Saturday. I had bad pains in my chest area and taking deep breaths would cause stabbing pain. So after 3 hours of trying to ignore it I decided to go to the ER. My chemo status automatically got me admitted. Well, they did X-rays, a CAT scan, an MRI, an ultrasound, a hyrdoscan (spelling?), and lots of blood tests. It turns out I had pancreatitis because my gall bladder was very sick with gall stones and sludge as they called it. They insisted it be removed so that is why I had the surgery. BUT, unlike last time they did the procedure laproscopically, so my healing time will be much faster. And it gave me an automatic get of Chemo free pass for a couple weeks anyway :) Luckily my diet is already very healthy and I do not have to worry so much about the fried and fatty foods they warned me about.

I did have a bit of worrisome news though. While they did all these scans and fancy tests they discovered some nodules on my lungs. They “could” be cancer. So I have to have a PET scan in a week or so to see if this may be the case.

So that is why I have been gone for awhile :) I am in pretty good spirits as my hubby is home so I am spending much time in bed resting and cuddling with him and getting some much needed time with him I don’t usually get. :)