Heart Attack on a Bun


In my local news lately I keep hearing about a diner in nearby Tempe, Arizona called The Heart Attack Grill. Supposedly this new diner is supporting the healthcare industry in its own way . . . by serving up Quadruple Bypass Burgers and Flatliner Fries.

Piled with FOUR half-pound meat patties, the Quadruple Bypass comes with one slice of cheese, one fried egg, three strips of bacon PER PATTY. The burgers are served with the Grill’s signature Flat-Liner Fries, which are deep-fried in lard. Their slogan is “Taste . . . worth dying for!” Some of their other menu items include cigarettes and beer.

Also, the “pretty girls” or waitresses at this establishment wear tight, cleavage-revealing nurse’s outfits, making them the focus of an ongoing legal battle. You can see the diner here.

I am always astonished when people shun healthful diets and market products or establishments so successfully that people end up deciding that yes, the taste really is worth dying for or ruining your health for.

I was a little put off when my own dear husband mentioned that he would like to eat there. The novelty and notoriety of this new diner overrides common sense I guess.