Kraft Sued Over Capri Sun Drinks

I was happy to see that Kraft is facing a lawsuit brought by a Florida mom over the fact that Kraft labels its Capri Sun drinks “All Natural”. They should not be able to get away with taking what is essentially junk and labeling it natural so people will think it is healthy.

“Kraft Foods, the maker of Capri Sun foil pouches filled with a solution of water, high-fructose corn syrup, and small amounts of juice is being sued by a Florida woman for deceptively marketing the product as “All Natural.” The suit contends that the company’s deceptive marketing tricks consumers into thinking the product is healthier than it actually is, perhaps encouraging some people to confuse the almost juice-less drink with real fruit juice. Though high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is no more harmful than other sugars, it is a plainly man-made ingredient, according to the nonprofit Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), which, alongside the Florida law firm of Varnell & Warwick, is representing the plaintiff in the class action suit.”
