Why Do I Blog?

I have been tagged by my friend and fellow natural mama, Carrie Lauth. She wants to know why I blog. Here are a couple of my reasons:

I love to write. I have been writing since I was in gradeschool. Back then I would most commonly write fiction novels, some even reaching several hundred pages in length. It was very enjoyable. I wanted to be the next Nancy Drew or perhaps the next Carolyn Keene…I wasn’t really sure. Well, as I grew older I stopped reading and writing fiction and in its place I put work (marketing and advertising). But when I quit working to be a full time mommy, I started reading non-fiction books that interested me and subsequently I started writing again. I guess my real hobby is learning so as I learn new things I love to write about them. My writing is expressed through blogs, articles, essays, and the content on my various web sites.

Political topics are important to me. When I began my path towards natural family living I found a great many causes that were important to me and it is only logical that I write about and try to bring awareness to these issues. Some of the issues that are important to me are real foods (no bio-engineering), fair trade, the organic movement, supporting local economies, and the environment. If something is important then you stand up and fight for it right? I use my blogs to further the causes that are important to me.

I like to educate others. I do alot of research to be able to write about many of the topics that do. I also like to be kept abreast of all news activity related to these issues. It seems logical to me that others are interested in these topics too. So I leave breadcrumbs for other natural moms and dads. It is rewarding to know that I am helping others.

So what about you? Why do you blog?