The Globies

More than 20,000 voted in the first ever Global Warming Globie Awards and the totals are in. And the envelope please….

In the category of Best Performance by a State or Local Official, the winner is Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels for spearheading a national effort to organize America’s cities to cut carbon dioxide pollution 7% below 1990 levels by 2012.

In the category of Best Performance in the Corporate World, the clear winner is US-CAP.

In the category of Best Film, Documentary, or Website Focusing on Global Warming, the winner in a landslide is An Inconvenient Truth, the blockbuster global warming documentary by former Vice President Al Gore.

In the category of Worst Performance by a Corporation or Corporate Official, the winner is ExxonMobil.

In the category of Most Egregious Contribution to Public Ignorance and Denial, the winner is The senior senator from the state of Oklahoma, Senator James Inhofe, who publicly called calling global warming the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on humankind.

Read more here.