Mood Mists

Mood Mists

Essential oil

Oil and water usually don’t mix but when it comes to essential oils and water, they form a divine and useful combination. Essential oils are extracted from leaves, fruit peels, petals, and other plant parts and basically they capture nature’s subtle fragrances and can work to balance your mood, aromatherapists say.

Peppermint and eucalyptus are said to be stimulating and uplifting. Frankincense and lavender are supposed to be relaxing and centering. Spray the air around you, mist your hair or skin, or spritz them on linens. They can lift a bad mood in no time.

To make a misting spray fill a clean mini spray bottle with 4 ounces of distilled water. Using a dropper, carefully add your essential oils. Shake before each use.

Pick Me Up Mist:
1 drop eucalyptus
2 drops geranium
3 drops peppermint

learn more about essential oils