A Green Move

Did I tell you that I am moving again? Well, I am. My cancer treatment is over and has been since December so I am going back to Ohio and our home in Arizona is being sold. So within a few days I will begin the treck I described to you in July only this time in reverse.

It will be an adventure since the restoration on our 19th century Victorian home in Ohio has yet to be completed. It has plumbing issues, it has no heat, one of the bathrooms is completely torn apart, and the house is otherwise in great disarray. We will likely be sleeping in a hotel for quite awhile while we work on the house during the day. BUT I am not discouraged because this means I can incorporate lots of “green” into the renovations. I am already envisioning marmoleum floors in the kitchen and bathrooms, refinishing the hardwood floors and sealing them with non VOC finish, milk based or non VOC paints, getting the cistern back in running order, etc. There are lots of possibilities! Of course there will be struggles too. The house is painted inside and out with lead paint. No small detail there.

Today I ran across an article written by the Eco Warrior for Times Online and it addresses “green” moving tips. Let’s see how I am doing. :)

1. Give yourself enough time to sort through your belongings and find new homes for the stuff you don’t want – I imagine this is to reduce landfill waste and the unnecessary transport of things you will ultimately be getting rid of. I am happy to say that I have done this. I have REALLY paired down on things and have given probably a whole truck load of possessions to needy families. I am using this move to simplify!

2. Get in touch with neighbors and friends who might like your perishable food stuffs – Done! My brother is staying in Phoenix (sobs) and he will be the recipient of all my perishable food items.

3. Start saving bubble wrap, boxes, and packing materials so you will not have to buy new – I have too much of this stuff I think. Since I have gotten rid of so many stored items I have an abundance of boxes, crumpled newspaper, and bubble wrap.

4. Have a removal service pick up unwanted items so you won’t have to make lots of trips – This one is a no go because of the area where my home is…in the remote desert on a mountain.

All in all not bad but who am I fooling…moving is not so good for the environment. BUT when I am in Ohio I will have more access to local foods, I will be living within walking distance of movie theatres, grocery stores, post office, etc. so my car usage will be less, I can grow more of my own food and preserve it, and I can buy clothing and furnishings from small town families and support my local economies. I think it will be worth it.