Is Homeschooling Right For You?

Is Homeschooling Right For You?

is-homeschooling-right-for-youEducation is the number one priority in this country, yet we have seen more and more deterioration of schools in the last ten years, than any other time in history.

This is due in part to the consistent and often times unnecessary reorganization of schools; change in curriculum; and, most importantly, oversized classrooms which thwart the educational process.
Add to this peer pressure, gang related incidents and violence; neither of which is conducive to the learning environment. Therefore, the question: “Is homeschooling right for your family?” happens to be a valid one.  Let’s explore some of the issues you need to consider about homeschooling.

Is it cost effective for you to homeschool your child? Depending upon your city, you may be able to avail yourself of the many materials needed either through your local school, community or library. Studies have shown that homeschooled children show far better results that attending regular schools.  If both parents currently work outside the home, it’s likely one of you will have to quit your job to home school.

Teaching your child at home, while in a comfortable and non-threatening setting, allows the child to work at his or her own pace. However, keeping up with the curriculum standards is important as well.  A great deal has been mentioned lately regarding the amount of time a child spends from the moment they awake until they finish their homework at night.  It is estimated they put in more than 10 hours a day. Homeschooling can alleviate the stress of traveling to and from school and lack of sleep, to a more relaxed learning environment wherein the child will be able to rest easier, and retain most of which he or she has learned.

While homeschool is a decision the entire family must make, since one parent will have to stay home every day to ensure their child’s educational progress is on track; there are other things to consider as well. If there are other children a parent has to care for, it may be difficult to conduct learning sessions, and may require bringing in someone to care for the siblings every day.

Testing is another consideration.  This also depends upon state regulations and test requirements, especially if the child is going to college.  Check with your state’s educational policies to determine what tests if any have to be conducted and under what conditions. You may want to look into online schools your state may have so that this concern will be addressed.

Finally, you and your family must sit down and thoroughly go over all of the necessary items you need; if homeschooling is affordable for you; if you have the time, patience and commitment to see it through; and be willing to make whatever sacrifices are necessary for the sake of your child.  Once you have answered all of these questions, you can then answer the next question with certainty: Is home schooling right for your family?

If you want more information about homeschooling check out the NatureMoms Homeschool Resource Center