This is taken from NewsTarget and it is VERY important:
Details of a new FDA “final solution” plan to utterly destroy natural medicine by regulating herbs, supplements, vitamins and even massage oils as drugs while criminalizing anyone who sells such products.
If the FDA has its way, even vegetable juices will be regulated as “drugs.” Massage props and hot rocks will be classified as “medical devices,” and the entire nutritional supplements industry will be destroyed, wiped off the slate, and replaced by a stronger-than-ever pharmaceutical monopoly that has already taken over virtually the entire U.S. government. Even information about alternative medicine would be controlled by them!
This is an urgent action item. You still have until April 30 to post comments with the FDA or write your representatives, and you can join hundreds of thousands of other readers who are taking a stand right now to stop this medical tyranny in its tracks.
Take action now before most of the content on this blog is made illegal!