I was chatting with my friend Carrie a few days ago over at our community forum for natural business moms. We were discussing my “revelation” that the natural moms demographic was getting pretty broad and that it could be broken down into four smaller segments that I am calling Instinctive, Frugal, Green, and Healthy. If you are reading this blog then likely you have some interest in natural family living…but what motivates your interest? Are you a green mom that comes here to read about reusables and global warming or are you a healthy mom that wants information about natural cleaners and holistic medicine?
I decided that I wanted to see what the cloth diapering moms at my Diaper Jungle site felt about this and their motivations for cloth diapering…a typical natural mom practice. So I asked my blog readers over there to answer this question: What Kind of Cloth Diaper Mom Are You?
I am surprised by the results. So far 38% say that their motivation for living more natural family lives and using cloth diapers in particular, is one of economics. Natural products and alternatives seem to be the more frugal choice for many families. 28% of moms chose cloth because they follow the theory of instinctive or natural parenting, 23% of moms were motivated by green causes, and 4% are searching the healthiest option. Another 4% said that all four applied to them.
So going beyond cloth diapers….what kind of natural mom are you? Are You Frugal, Instinctive, Health-Nutty, or Green?