Moms and Money

I got a great response form readers about my cheapskate series which addressed living naturally and frugally at the same time. I got many emails from moms who liked the information on budget beauty, pregnancy on the cheap, and garage sale decorating. Some of these articles were picked up by blog carnivals like The Festival of Frugality.

The response really opened my eyes to how important money matters are to most moms and natural and green moms are no exception. That is why I thought you might be interested in a new podcast for moms called…Moms Money. The show talks about money matters from a mom perspective and talks about issues like saving money, eliminating, debt, budgeting, and evaluating where your money goes among others. Last week the one of the show hosts, Kelly, talked about how using credit cards can be bad for your budget AND your waist line. That really hit home for me because I was a fast food addict at one point in my life and I cannot even believe now how many thousands of dollars I spent on junk food. It angers me to think about it!

This week the show addresses an all too common occurence in many households…not really knowing where the heck your money went. I know I have been there…how about you?

I think you will like the show so go ahead and check it out and be on the lookout for Carrie Lauth, one of the show hosts AND a natural mom too. :) You can listen to the show right from your computer or download to listen to it later and even listen to it on a mp3 player or iPod. Let me know what you think!