It is hot and nothing says summer like Lemonade right? Well here is a super simple recipe for classic lemonade.
Best Ever Lemonade:
Zest and Juice of 4 Lemons, 1 c. sugar, 2 ltr. bottle of club soda, chilled garnish, and lemon slices.
Sounds pretty easy! The kids and I both love lemonade but mom likes something else even more…Limoncello. There is nothing like homemade Limoncello I tell you! It is an Italian citrus liqueur that you can make yourself from fermented lemons. You can drink it straight up in a frozen shot glass or mix it with champagne, lemonade, Ice tea, or juice. You can also drizzle it on ice cream, fruit salad, or fresh strawberries. Yum :)
- 15-20 organic lemons
- 2 (750-ml) bottles 80-proof vodka like Square One Organic Vodka.
- 4-6 cups water
- 2-4 cups sugar (more if you want it thicker or sweeter)
Instructions: Wash and dry the lemons and peel them with a very sharp knife or potato peeler, carefully avoiding the bitter white pith. If any of the pith does stick to the back side of the peel scrape it off as this will make the Limoncello bitter. Put the peels in a 2-3 liter, sterilized glass jar with a sealed lid and add the vodka until it reaches about 2 inches below the top. Seal tightly. Go ahead and make lemonade with the rindless lemons. :)
Leave the jar in a cool, dark place for at least 2 weeks when the peels lose their color but preferably 2-3 months. Every couple of weeks give the jar a shake.
After 2-3 months put the water and sugar in a saucepan. Stir and slowly boil until it turns clear. Let the syrup cool. Put the syrup in the Limoncello jar. You may need to divide it into two jars at this point. Put the jars back in their cool, dark home for another 2 weeks or more.
After those 2 weeks strain the lemon peels from the liquid with a cheese cloth, stir with a wooden spoon, and poor the liqueur in clean bottles, seal tightly, and let them sit for a week. After that you might consider keeping the Limoncello in the freezer for the best taste.
For more information on delicious homemade drinks for mom and dad I recommend the book Making Wine, Liqueurs and Cordials.
Now for my perfect summer day….lounging in the hammock outside beneath the canopy of trees, Maroon 5 is streaming from inside the house through an open window, my kids are running and screaming through the yard, my husband is practicing his golf swing, I have a good book with me, and I am sipping cranberry juice infused with Limoncello. ;)
When life gives you lemons….make Limoncello!