Do you compost? Well, this is a loaded question. It seems if you don’t compost then you are not doing your best to recycle and avoid needless landfill waste. Composting is the ultimate way to recyle because you are in fact hosting the recycling facility yourself. The recycling plant is in your backyard. Having a compost bin probably should be the first thing you do in an effort to reduce your waste and be a good “green” mommy and a good steward of our earth. BUT….composting can seem a bit daunting. I have always dabbled with composting but was quick to give it up for one reason or another….usually because it attracted unsavory critters if it was outdoors and it smelled to high heaven if it were kept indoors or in any other way confined.
When I moved to my new digs I found I already had an well established compost bin, so I figured it was worth another go and after several months I can call my self a confident composter. Yes, it has bugs but no rodents or other creatures except maybe an occasional raccoon. It doesn’t smell in the least either. In my research to find the perfect compost equation I have some tips to share:
1. The easiest compost bin is one that is low to the ground, open on the top, and large.
2. Add scraps such as raw and cooked foods, vegetable peelings, tea bags and coffee grounds, hair and nail clippings, and egg shells. Also add crumpled up paper, egg cartons (not the platstic or styrofoam ones), paperboard, tissues, and toilet roll spindles.
3. Avoid putting any meat or dairy or food items made or cooked with meat or dairy in the compost bin.
4. If the compost stinks add more crumpled paper and cardboard to help with moisture. 5. The best compost is at least 6 months to a year old, hence the need for a big bin.
6. Don’t let the compost dry out. If you live in an arid climate or you are experiencing a drought you may need to add water.
7. Too much of one material will slow the process down. Mix it up and make sure a variety of materials are composting. I can’t wait to spread the resulting composted soil on my garden next year!
Even though I am happy to say I compost I do realize that it is not such an easy thing for many families, especially those with limited space. So now it is your turn. Tell me abut your compost bin or lack thereof.