Scary Tornados


We had a really bad storm here today. The whole county was on a tornado watch. There is nothing more terrifying than the sky getting black, wind howling and throwing your patio furniture around, a huge downpour, the power going out, etc. The only thing that could have made it worse would have been those awful tornado sirens. My family was down in the basement during the whole thing and I was just waiting for that siren. My kids were completely oblivious. Thank goodness for small favors right?

Well, shortly after the storm had subsided my son and I were inspecting the damage. Nothing major….just lots of small tree limbs everywhere. Then the scariest thing happened…..we heard a HUGE crack like lightning had struck the house. Instead it was a monstrous tree limb fell about 5 feet away from where my son was standing.

Well, now we have plenty of fire wood to chop up for winter but good golly if I am not terrified to walk under those trees now!