Step right up! Enjoy the carnival! This is the fourth edition of the Carnival of Natural Family Living and just as I suspected this is turning out to be a large carnival. We have some great submissions to highlight so without further ado…..
Naturally Healthy
Carole Fogarty of The Healthy Living Lounge gives us an idea for letting go of stresses and worries in Calm your mind and “unplug” your stresses, worries and concerns in two and half minutes.
Natural Book Reviews
Our greenie from the UK, Mel at Bean Sprouts, reviewed the book Fruits of the Hedgerow. This is a book that discusses some common British fruits and seeds and includes a lot of yummy recipes. She also wrote a very interesting post about the ginger beer plant.
Natural Mom & Baby
Melanie at Motherverse writes about Breastfeeding in Public and Blurring of the Breast. This great article discusses attitudes about breastfeeding in times past and shares some great pictures of breastfeeding mothers during the depression and post war era. She also shares an amusing post about her son called Boob Man.
George at Man and His Baby (a very funny blog BTW) shares his list of places you should not breastfeed.
Awesome Mom has been knitting up a storm at Our Family Village.
Julie at Baby Development share the Benefits of Breastfeeding.
Safbaby has a poist on the unbelievable nurturing effects of baby massage.
Green Love Letters
Todd at We the Change gives us some ideas on green power in A Simple Way to Make Your Home Green.
Andy at Money Walks shared the results of his Car Gas Experiment.
Keyboard Culture Global Warming has a great article about finding the opportunity to build a brand new green home after a Florida hurricane.
Jon at The DC Traveler reminds me that I had to change my plans recently and will no longer be able to attend the DC Green Festival in a few days. Thanks Jon! ;)
The Natural Homestead
Stephanie at Adventures in the 100 Acre Wood tells why she is glad she isn’t in Little House on the Prairie. It was great getting a glimpse of a more self sufficient home.