A few weeks back on another blog I related how much I like the kids television show Wow Wow Wubzy. Other than the fact that this how has a lot of good lessons for kids about friendship, appreciating differences in others, appreciating your own skills and strength, and thinking outside the box, the songs that are sung throughout this show are absolutely wonderful. One of my favorites is called By the Book and it teaches that you don’t have to follow everything by the book…you can break out and do something new and creative. Since I am not the most mainstream mom I love this song.
My favorite Wow Wow Wubzy song though is called Treasure. It talks about finding the hidden treasures that are already abundant in your life. On this lovely Fall morning I remember this song and think about all the treasure in my life and I am filthy, stink’in rich!
The lyrics are in bold….
Life is filled with treasure
For everyone to see
Having fun with every day
That’s the way to be
How can I not be happy each and every morning when I have 3 wonderful kids? From the moment they get up in the morning they get me smiling and laughing. I am married to my best friend in the whole world and after nine years married and 14 years together this man still makes me weak in the knees when he smiles. This past weekend we had nothing to do more pressing than spend time together as a family…playing board games, playing outside, and teaching our oldest to ride a bike. Well, we thought we had to teach him…he got on his first two wheeled bike and took off like a rocket…we haven’t seen since. ;)
Oh! Life is filled with treasure
It’s right beneath your nose
It’s right around the corner
And it’s underneath your toes
This morning we made organic fruit explosion muffins….whole grain muffins with bran and flaxseed,
apples, carrots, and red raspberries…sprinkled with sugar. We licked the bowl (what greater treasure could there be) and we dived into the hot muffins that filled the air with the faint scent of sugar and apples. When I looked at my one year old son’s messy, grinning face I knew he found the treasure too. Then we shared some of our treasure with the elderly woman that lives next door by bringing her some muffins.
Shortly after we we spent some outside to enjoy the color changing leaves that are falling like snow. We walked barefoot through the grass, knowing that very soon it will be too chilly to do that anymore. We picked red gooseberries from the tree in the backyard and we threw our carrot and apple kitchen scraps into the compost pile which is a treasure in itself…dark, rich compost that will help our garden grow next year.
There’s no map to show the way
Find the treasure in every day
There’s no X to mark the spot
Find the treasure in what you’ve got
Yes! Life is filled with treasure
It’s everywhere you look
It’s in a piece of chalk
And it’s in a comic book
I love that! Find the treasure in what you’ve got. I am reading a book right now called Frugal Luxuries and in the book it talks heavily about the fact that luxury is what you make it. There are so many opportunities to incorporate simple luxuries and pleasures into your life so that you never have a need to feel that money is required for happiness. I find treasure in books (ones I read for me and ones I read for my kids), in reading blogs that I love, and in writing for this blog.
Ah! Life it filled with treasure
Just listen and you’ll hear
A happy singing bird
Or your friend approaching near
Yo-ho ho
The treasure has been found
Now that we know: There’s treasure all around!
Life is filled with treasure
There’s no need to dig
It doesn’t have to be of gold
It doesn’t have to be so big
In a world obsessed by money it is hard to keep things in perspective. I just have to remember we have everything we need right here, right now….the rest is just window dressing. Later on today my kids and I will going into the basement to dig out our fall decorations and will go crazy decorating for the season. Every morning when we wake up to bales of straw and pumpkins in the kitchen we will smile and realize there is NO place like home and family. Maybe we will make some candy apple tea when our work is done.
Oh! Life is filled with treasure
It’s not hard to find
Plants everywhere
Animals of every kind
You can find it under a rock
Or in a dirty sock
It might be a piece of string
‘cause there’s treasure in everything
Oh! Life is filled with treasure
And the treasure never ends
You can feel it in your heart
And share it with your friends
Yes! Life is filled with treasure
Life is filled with treasure
Life is filled with treasure!
Yes, we have bounteous treasure in our 50+ trees we have on our property, birds and squirrels galore, and we have 3 lovely labrador retrievers. Very soon we will be planting hundreds of bulbs that will release their treasure in the spring…iris, daffodils, tulips, and hyacinth…oh my. They are in the refrigerator waiting for us.
And I did find a treasure under a sock so to speak today! I was cleaning up some toys and clothes my kids threw down in my room and found my debit card, my Costco card, and about twenty dollars cash. I guess I could have been upset that some children that will remain nameless raided my wallet and misplaced these items but I was so happy to find them I didn’t really care how they got there. I must remember to put my purse somewhere less accessible. ;)
And finally…today my daughter asked why we need to be nice to the lady next door and bring our muffins to her. I explained that we have so much treasure in our homes and hearts that we need to share it..so that everyone can have some treasure….there is more than enough to go around.
So how about you? Do you find it easy to see the treasure in every day?