Ugh…I am sick

sickness.jpgI fell off the wagon this past week. I ate a lot of junk food and a lot of cooked food and now I am paying the price…and it is just me that is sick so I know what caused it…ugh.

I think I probably don’t have to mention what I was eating around Halloween time. ;) But for two days I had candy and I had cooked party food. I ate almost no raw food except for a bit of fruit. The kids had more raw than I did as I was giving them Larabars. The very first night my throat started to feel a little funny and by the second day I was coughing up a lung and this morning my nose is running. All of these things are described in one of the raw books I was reading as reactions to cooked food after going raw…of course I didn’t see that until after I was sick. Darn it! I felt so incredible for weeks. Maybe now I can see it might not be so hard to go completely raw if this is what happens when I go back to cooked food.

I HATE being sick..perhaps more than most, since I spent so much time in the last years being sick and in terrible pain and not knowing why (cancer). I have been known to go into a full blown panic attack if it gets too bad and I never had one in my life before the whole cancer ordeal.

Now I feel like going through the fridge and pantry and throwing out everything that requires cooking! Of course on the bright side I got to make friends with my TiVo again this weekend as I caught up on the first 5-6 episodes of Smallville and Moonlight. Okay…I had already seen the Moonlight ones but that show rocks!

Now I am off to make myself a raw kale, spinach, and seaweed smoothie and hopefully feel better. :)