Vaccinations and the Law

Vaccinations and the Law

Baby immunization

I thought I would just pop in here to share an excellent article I read about vaccinations and the law…or rather how there is NO law requiring vaccines.

I did some research this morning and I found dozens of places that say vaccination is state law…but the more I think about the more outrageous it seems to me that our government can enact and enforce a law that requires ALL people to undergo a medical procedure. It boggles my mind that they could do that when I actually think about it. What kind of medical procedure can they mandate next??? So is there a law stating that we have to vaccinate?

According to Prison Planet the answer is no…

In reality, there is no law that says you have to vaccinate your children and waiver forms for personal or religious exemptions are freely available.

A situation in Prince George’s County, MD. has attracted media attention and once again provided the platform for a propaganda push that falsely implies it is the law for children to be vaccinated with mass produced big pharma shots that are often not stringently tested and have been linked with dangerous side-effects.

There is no law in America, aside from those applying to medical workers, that says you or your child has to take any vaccine whatsoever, no matter what any executive order, requirement, mandate or policy dictates, there is no situation where you can go to prison for refusing a government vaccine under the U.S. constitution and the law of the land.

As in the case of all other vaccines, executive orders and court mandates merely state that the vaccine is “recommended”.

Here is the article. Pretty interesting stuff! Any thoughts?

My personal experience sees one problem with it…when I lived in Arizona I went to a protest when a AZ court ruled that 2 children of a non-vaccinating mother be forcibly immunized. The mother and father of the kids had never vaccinated (the kids were both pre-teens) and when they got a divorce the lovely husband decided to stick it to his wife by petitioning that the courts force his wife to vaccinate their kids. He won and the kids were held down, kicking and screaming, and then vaccinated for EVERY vaccine that they had missed up to that point. If there is no law than how can this stuff go on? Perhaps it was just a case where a judge had to choose which parents wishes should be honored and the father won out since vaccines are considered the “responsible” thing to do in society today.

If vaccines were mandatory according to law wouldn’t your pediatrician have to turn you in for breaking the law when you decline them? According to the Think Twice Global Vaccine Institute the only regulation in place for vaccines are governed by individual states and even then they are not blanket laws but merely requirements for state funded public education not children in general and law dictates that you have waivers to opt out if you so choose.