How to Eat Like a Hot Chick

hot chick bookI read How to Eat Like a Hot Chick by Jodi Lipper and Cerina Vincent a few weeks back. It isn’t something I would have picked up to read normally but through the grapevine I heard one of the authors supports a raw diet and when Harper Collins offered to send me the book gratis I decided to give it a read.

It was a pretty funny book actually. It reminded me of a “Girlfriend’s Guide” to eating right. It is basically two girlfriends dishing on all the ways they have found to eat healthfully without feeling deprived. And just like with girlfriends there are no secrets…they tell it like it is…from Build-A-Butt-Workshops to men with BMS (you have to read it). I really liked the cover too. It shows a svelte woman, reminiscent of the fifties, drinking a martini. She is beautiful for sure but no lightweight. It is awesome to see a woman who doesn’t resemble a stick-thin supermodel gracing the cover of a book about women and diet.

Jodi and Cerina were kind enough to allow me to interview them too. So here are a few insights into How to Eat Like a Hot Chick direct from the authors.

Tiffany: What was the purpose behind writing How to Eat Like A Hot Chick?

Cerina:  We wrote this book after realizing that we were wasting too much of our time dieting, worrying about what we ate, feeling insecure and trying to be perfect.

Jodi: About three years ago, we had a giant light bulb moment where we thought, “This is our heyday, and we should be enjoying it!”  Since then, we have learned to let go of most of our craziness about food and (most importantly) to laugh about it.

Cerina:  We wrote HOW TO EAT LIKE A HOT CHICK to help women realize that they are already hot and to stop wasting their time obsessing about food.

Jodi:It is our way of trying to make food fun again for women, by talking to them as their girlfriends and sharing our newfound, liberating attitude about food.

Tiffany: That is a great perspective for women to have…you are already beautiful…no need to obsess about food choices. I think many women would like to feel some liberation in regards to food and diet. What are some of your best hot chick tips?

Jodi: Some of our best tips are the ones that let women know about the sneaky hidden calories in many common foods.

Cerina: For example, most smart women don’t know that tonic actually has the same amount of calories as Coke!  So you should always use soda water in your cocktails instead of tonic.

Jodi: Also, most people don’t realize that many Japanese restaurants make their spicy tuna rolls with lots of mayonnaise!

Cerina: We’re not saying that you can’t eat these things, just be aware of what you’re eating and pretty soon you’ll understand why some “healthy” foods actually end up making you feel terrible.

Tiffany: Yeah…that sucks about the spicy tuna rolls. :( What are some Hot Chick Non-nos?

Jodi: People might be surprised by our “no-no’s,” which actually include a lot of typical diet foods, like granola, rice cakes and yogurt.  Most regular yogurts have about the same amount of calories per ounce as Haagen Dazs!  Those tiny cartons of pink sugary cream are unsatisfying and are not going to make anyone feel hot.

Cerina: Another big Hot Chick don’t is protein bars, which usually have crazy ingredients like dried egg protein, tomato powder, rice polishing, corn syrup and freaking EGG SHELL.  We want women to eat real food, not weird condensed food bars.

Tiffany: It is sad that we actually do have to look for “real” food in this day and age of processed, fake foods. It seems we have the deck stacked against us. So, what overall do you hope women will get from this book?

Jodi: We want women to gain the confidence to eat the foods they love and the knowledge to balance it out by cutting corners elsewhere so that they will always feel (and look) their hottest.

Cerina: We also want women to gain confidence in themselves as Hot Chicks.  We believe that Hot Chicks come in all shapes and sizes and that every woman who picks up this book is already hot – they may have just forgotten!

Jodi: So we want to remind women that they are hot and that it is time to start treating themselves accordingly.

Cerina: And, of course, we hope that the book makes women laugh and that it will make the idea of food fun again for women.

Tiffany: Thanks Jodi and Cerina for sharing your book with us and for answering a few questions. The book is fun and revealing.

About the authors:

Jodi Lipper is a writer and editor in the publishing and film industries. She graduated from Barnard College at Columbia University and she lives and works in Manhattan.

Cerina Vincent is an actress and writer. She played Maya, the yellow Power Ranger and she has starred in other movies like Not Another Teen Movie. She has also co-written several screenplays and TV pilots.

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