Today is a holiday and my oldest is home from school. It also happens to be a not-so-nice weather day. It rained all weekend so the yard is muddy and yuck and today the temperature dropped 30 degrees and snow is falling. After a whole weekend of building with blocks and tinker toys my oldest especially starting using that phrase that I think all moms detest, “I’m bored”.
First he used this phrase on his Dad…who then suggested they bring up a Playstation from the basement (sitting unused in a box) and put it in his room. His response was priceless, “Daaaad…I don’t play video games…what am I going to do with a Playstation?”
He realizes Dad is no help at all so he turns to me and says, “I sure do wish I had some clay so I can make some animals and then paint them.” My son is an artist for sure. Some nearly 8 year old boys would be obsessed with video games by now but not him. His room is a mini art studio with a painting easel, a whiteboard, a chalkboard, a crafts table, etc. And much of his artwork incorporates recycled garbage. He doesn’t get it from me…I can’t draw or paint to save my life. His Dad is a pretty good artist though and his grandmother (my mom) is a great painter…we have her oil paintings and watercolors all over the house.
Silly moms first response was to say okay…just let me shower and we’ll go buy some clay. “Moooom…why don’t you just use one of your play dough recipes.” Doh! So we made a simple salt/flour dough so that it would dry fast and create a grainy surface for paint to adhere to after it dries. He made a Shamu and my daughter made something unrecognizable, LOL.
Next up we played bean bag toss with homemade bean bags made from scrap fabric and buckwheat. The goal was to get them in a laundry basket. That quickly adapted into basement soccer with the laundry basket serving as a soccer goal.
If we need any other ideas I might have to consult my Unplugged Play book. :) I just love rainy days don’t you?[tags]kids, rainy day, unplugged play, activities, crafts[/tags]