The Green Parent

gree worldI recently had the pleasure of reading The Green Parent by Jenn Savedge. This is one of the few books out there aimed directly at parents and how to raise kids that appreciate and understand eco friendly living. The size of the book is small but it is jammed packed with good information and tips of greener living for families.

I really like the format. It would briefly explain why we need to be concerned about various environmental threats and then it was long on suggestions for what you can do in your home and there were quite a few ideas I had never thought of. I have read MANY green theme books and this one kept my interest and was enjoyable to read.

It really takes you on a home and life tour and goes over all the ways you can make changes from water usage to home renovation materials and eco vacations. It really covered a large number of topics all the while showing how we can gets kids enthusiastic about these practices too.  Fun activities such as how to start a “light patrol,” how to make a “waste-free” school lunch, and how to build a “green” bird house will help kids start to understand how important a green lifestyle is. The charts in the book where also very helpful for quick reference. I also loved the interviews with various green living experts.

For families looking for a good introduction and a clear idea of how to “go green” this is your best bet…very easy to read and very motivating.  It is short on long and windy speeches and long on good and useful tips. Green parents want to raise green kids…