Ancient Spice Deodorant by Miessence Organics

One of my first light bulb “moments” about natural health was in regards to deodorant. My preferred deodorant since I started wearing it as a teenager was Secret solid. By the time I was 20ish my underarms started getting really sore on occassion and I would get marble size “lumps” under the skin. The I read an article online where a woman described the exact same thing happening to her…she ended up with breast cancer and her Doctor suggested that her deodorant may be to blame. I knew right then I had to change to something less toxic with no aluminum and no parabens, both of which have been linked to breast cancer. So I ditched the conventional products for more natural and safe ones.

I have tried MANY different brands and types of deodorant…gels, solids, roll-ons, crystals, etc. I found many to be ineffective (like Kiss My Face brand) and others to be better by comparison (Tom’s of Maine brand) but none that I really LOVED. Until know…

My new deodorant for life is Ancient Spice Deodorant by Miessence Organics. It is a roll-on deodorant and it is 100% safe, natural, and organic. It smells faintly of ancient oils and spices, it doesn’t feel sticky, and it actually keeps odors at bay. The ingredient listing doesn’t have a laundry list of chemical names that you can’t pronounce. Instead you find recognizable things like clove, frankincense, aloe vera, lime, and cinnamon.

It is made by Miessence, and Australian company that is frankly kicking American butt as far product safety goes. At $9 a pop it is rather pricey but I find it lasts a long time and not only do I love it, my hubby does too. He has been using it every day for a month and just last week he turned to me and asked “We ARE going to keep this stuff around right?” He is used to all the samples and tester products that come and go in our house but he made it clear…this one is a keeper. Okey-dokey!

My favorite Miessence store is Ely Organics run by my awesome natural momma friend Erin.