Food Tees – Earth Week Giveaway

Food TeeAnother great T-shirt form another great company! The giveaway today is a Food Tee.

These t-shirts are designed to be fresh, healthy, and invigorating. For food conscious moms and kids they also help you to share a love of fruits and veggies. They help promote a healthy lifestyle and attitude about food with over 20 beautiful designs for children and adults, from onsies to aprons. These would be really good for raw foodies, vegans, and vegetarians.

I LOVE some of these t-shirts, like the ones that say No Sugar Added, Bite Me (with a carrot picture), and Think Before You Eat (with a picture of a doughnut). A portion of the profits from t-shirt sales also goes to Two Angry Moms, who are fighting for lunch reform on our public schools. That is pretty cool. I need to get the carrot one. :)

I am giving away a size small (2-4) white t-shirt with a red raspberry on it that says “all natural” underneath!

To Win: Just comment!

If you want two chances to win you can link to this blog from your own blog…make sure to leave a trackback or a second comment to let me know about the link to so you have a total of two comments and therefore two chances to win. The winners will be announced on Monday, April 28. Good luck everyone!