TGIF! Have an awesome weekend everyone! Mine has started out great. Picked up a child’s drumset and a baby doll stroller for $1 each at yard sales this morning! I also hit the homeschool supplies mother load at Costco and found a ton of raw delights at Whole Paycheck Foods.
The winner of the Organic Jammies according to is commenter #27, Misty at The Urech Quads! Congrats!
Now…on to cool links this week.
The Good Human wrote a great post about creating positive change. If you think small changes don’t add up just consider these points:
* The average coffee farmer gets just 2 cents from a $3 latte.
* Eating 1 pound of meat emits the same amount of greenhouse gases as driving a hummer 40 miles.
I also ran across an amazing story about a couple in Canada that decided to unpave their front driveway and plant grass. The city government initially refused to allow them to do it, saying that an all grass yard and driveway was a saftey hazard. But when it hit the media they backed off. Watch the amazing transformation here. I LOVE what they did.
I just found an awesome online store that sells baby shower invitations and thank you cards made from post consumer recycled paper and they have a big selection. Check it out.
Have your kids gone back to school yet? I read and commented on one mom’s experiences or rather nightmares with her local schools. This has to take the cake. She found out a bully was stealing her son’s lunches….therefore requiring him to buy two essentially and when she complained to the administrators they guilted her for denying food to a less fortunate kid who didn’t have lunch money. WTH??? With this stuff going on it is no wonder homeschooling is gaining popularity.
Also related to school, this great post encourages us to contact schools and urge them to adopt a no idling policy for their school buses. Sitting and letting their engines run creates a toxic atmosphere for our kiddos and it is very bad for the environment. Also, parents need to remember not to idle in the pick up line.
And last…I just love this post by Simple Mom on how to dress up your walls for cheap.