Getting Spooked Yet?

Shark CostumeHas the talk of Halloween started yet in your house? It just started over the last few days here. The stores are already setting out all their Halloween props and such and we have a date at Michael’s next week to buy some Halloween crafting supplies. Of course we are thinking about how to keep things green too. My daughter will wearing the same costume from last year (Tinkerbell). My youngest son will be wearing a mask we got for $1.00 at a yard sale last week and I will make him a black cape to go with it. My oldest son though needs a new costume or one that I make because the one he has worn for the last 2 years (a dragon) is now too little. It will be saved for his brother. I asked my oldest what he wants to be this year and he said a shark. Oh man….he would have to choose something hard to sew. ;)

In doing some initial window shopping online I found this crazy, kinda scary, makes me a little ill just looking at it…shark costume from Moon Costumes. My son loves it but I don’t know. It is an over the body shark costume, with legs sticking out of shark’s mouth. The wearer’s own arms can manipulate the legs so that person being eaten appears to be kicking. Ewwww! I think I would prefer oozing eyeballs and fake blood to this. The medium would probably fit for 2-3 years so I would have to look at this yucky thing for several years and then my youngest son might want to wear it down the road. And I wonder how a kid sees out of this thing…I don’t see eyeholes or anything. Is it an accident waiting to happen?

What do you think? Is it too gross or reasonable for Halloween?

Also share your green Halloween tips below…I am working on a future post!