Eco Friendly Families is a new book written by Helen Coronato. It is a guide book designed to highlight green living with activities that engage and inspire…from toddlers to teens. I am so happy to see more books about this subject being published and becoming more mainstream and this book is a good one. Just look at the cover…it shows a family pulling a sapling tree in a wagon getting ready to plant, dad, and kids all working together for green causes….very cool.
This is an all important topic because we are raising the next generation of kids and we want them to do right by our planet …to be responsible consumers and advocates for our planet. The book has many ideas for small changes that bring big results. Small changes are especially important if you are making this a family effort and it helps ensure that your habits will actually become life-long habits. It goes into all the basics of energy conservation, creating less waste, reusing things, and embracing simplicity.
Then it goes into a month by month plan for changing the way your family functions so that it will be easier to digest…breaking up the actions into bite size pieces. I think this book would be really fun to tackle as a family, having family meetings once a week to discuss the green changes. I think it would really empower our kids AND it would help reinforce to everyone that this is serious business.
The BEST part about this book is that it has so many fun activity ideas. Going green as a family has got to be fun…I firmly believe that and this book delivers some great ideas. It has many 5 minute makeover ideas, nature crafting ideas, earth friendly recipes, gift suggestions and in general lots of great ideas for getting older kids and teens excited about going green. This is a great book for building upon your existing green family values initivatives.