Everyone is getting bombarded with VOTE messages today. The energy surrounding this election is like nothing I have seen before and no matter what the result it seems half the country will be disappointed. BUT we need to remember that every day is voting day actually. No we may not get to decide on POTUS but we do get to cast votes for many other equally important issues.
Every day we vote with our shopping dollars. Are we supporting unsustainable, toxic products and companies or are we supporting conscious, safe, and sustainable companies and products? When we go down the aisle of the grocery store and pick up a bottle of cleaning fluid or a box of cereal we are casting a vote in support of that product and that company…are you voting for the people and things you want to be?
Every day we vote with our forks. Everything that goes in our mouths and bodies is a vote in support of that industry. Are we supporting organics, ethics, and kind planetary practices? Are we supporting animal cruelty and factory farming?
We have lots to consider every time we take a bite of food or open our wallets…we vote everyday for the world we want.