Some comments yesterday on my wooden play kitchens post was a nice reminder that not everyone can afford to buy a nice wooden play kitchen. Some of these items can be pretty pricey and I totally understand that. So I though I might include some cheaper, DIY options and links today. These are so cute that I think any child would be pleased as punch as to have one of these.
A REALLY cool DIY play kitchen project I came across just this week is from Jessica at Balancing Everything. She posted pictures and a FREE pdf tutorial and pattern for a roll-up kitchen play mat she designed and made. It is so very cute and looks to be pretty easy to make. If you made one of these you could just put it on top on a desk or small table, add the play food and cookware and your kids have a really nifty kitchen.
I also came across a very cool cardboard play kitchen at etsy. You can buy the instructions for $8 and then build your own kitchen out of recycled cardboard, wire hangers, and various other odds and ends. The finished result looks spectacular!
I also found TONS of patterns on sale at Esty for cloth food. You can make your own cookies, cupcakes, sandwiches, and fruit…to name a few.