Green Irene

Green FairyWhen you made the decision to go green in your home and life wouldn’t it have been super helpful to have someone guide you step by step and tell you what you needed to do conserve energy, use less toxic products, and conserve for the sake of the planet? I think it would be awesome if you could just wish up a little green fairy to sprinkle your home with green fairy dust…easy peasy. But alas I don’t know any fairies…bummer.

The next best thing would have to be Green Irene, a trained and certified Eco-Consultant that will help you IMPLEMENT “green” solutions in your home immediately. No wondering if you are doing the right things or falling victim to greenwashing…they take the guesswork out of the process. They offer a green home makeover service that walks you through your home and step by step shows you how to conserve water, save energy, improve indoor air quality, recycle, and so much more. They also offer products or kits that get you started quickly. The $133 Water Conservation Kit for instance can ultimately save you over $4,200 in the next seven years while reducing your family’s Carbon Footprint. Their EZ Bulb SwapOut service will outfit your home with all new light bulbs of various kinds (like CFLs or LEDs) and you get to see what they look like before you commit.

Many want to do that right? We just may not know how to start or where to begin…Green Irene is a great option. You just contact them and they will set you up with a local consultant. I think it would be cool to give them a call just so I can see how I am doing. ;) And if you are a green expert already you can also become an eco consultant for them after going through training. That would be a fun job.