Wrap-up – Butterflies for the Holocaust

friday wrap upTGIF! Have an awesome weekend everyone!

As an update to my post about my youngest son and his speech issues I just wanted to mention that I am having him tested by a speech pathologist. I am just waiting on a time and place from them but I figure there is no harm in testing. If he has a problem then we will discuss recommendations at that time. So that will be a big relief for me to have that done.

Hopefully this weekend I will start planting the seeds for potty training. I am kind of lost when it comes to this since I didn’t potty train my other two kids actually. My mom did, although I can’t exactly recall the circumstances or the reason, LOL. I just know I had to do bupkiss to train them. I have asked her if she wants to make the third time the charm but she has declined to train “the one that can’t even talk”.

Okay on to interesting links:

My friend Cara at The Household Helper has a contest going on that I thought you all might like to know about. Her site is a treasure trove of info for running a frugal, organized home. And today she has added a FREE report that addresses Uses For Vinegar, Baking Soda and Salt: Tried & Tested Uses For Health and Home and contains 60 uses for each! So if you want to know how you can use these pantry items as more than just food check that out. She is also giving away two cleaning kits! Each kit contains three sponges, a couple rags, cleaning gloves, a spray bottle and a box of baking soda in a handy-dandy caddy. These tools will help you get started cleaning with the recipes in her free report.

If you are looking for a reason to get crafty this winter might I suggest crafting for a cause? Candace recently sent me a link to a project she did with her daughter and it is part of a bigger crafting project that will benefit a holocaust museum in Texas. 1,500,000 innocent children perished in the Holocaust. In an effort to remember them, Holocaust Museum Houston is collecting 1.5 million handmade butterflies. The butterflies will eventually comprise a breath-taking exhibition, currently scheduled for Spring 2012, for all to remember. So take a couple hours to craft some butterflies for a good cause. We will be. :)

Another link I loved recently was this tutorial for taking boring white burp cloths and embellishing them with quilt binding, ribbon, or Ric Rac. This same procedure could be used on prefold cloth diapers which is actually what was used for this project. So cute!

I am always on the lookout for good anti-vaccine info and I found this link really interesting. If you have ever wondered if vaccination may cause allergies like a peanut or egg allergy you may be on to something. It shows how certain vaccines are actually used to cause anaphylaxis (allergic reaction) in laboratory animals. The stuff we are giving to our babies is then a substance KNOWN to cause allergic reactions in animals. It is NUTS! This link was passed on to me by a mom had her child vaccinated only to have him become allergic to eggs immediately after.

And lastly I loved this article from Jennifer Lance about how a British study found that adults who choose vegetarianism had higher IQs as children, leading us to conclude that Smart Kids Become Vegetarian Adults.

Have a weekend all!