Thermometers and I go waaaay back. I think I have owned and tried every kind known to man because my son had febrile seizures. I constantly had to take his temperature because any fever could mean an uncontrollable seizure and hospitalization and the kid ALWAYS had fevers.
My favorite thermometers hands down are temporal artery thermometers. They are very accurate and very easy to use. The temporal artery is connected to the carotid artery so you just put the probe end of the thermometer on the temporal artery and you get a very accurate temperature. It the most convenient way to take a temperature IMO.
I used to like the ones that go in the ear but the problem with them is that they require probe covers. Not only do you have to keep buying those cheapy pastic things that are wasteful…it is horrible to discover you need to take a temperature and not have a cover…and they don’t work without one.
So the easiest, greenest option I think has to be the Exergen Temporal Scanner. It has a silver ion antimicrobial head that requires no disposable covers. The silver destroys bacteria, mold, mildew, and fungi…although I am not sure why that is necessary but cool anyway. Harvard Medical School also says this thermometer is as accurate as a rectal temperature.
Even though we rarely if ever worry about fevers here any more since they are no longer synonymous with seizures, it is nice to have this around just in case. AND I don’t have to keep stupid probe covers stocked. It is a clean, green option.