Motherhood Regrets and Mistakes

My friend Carrie tagged me to participate in a Motherhood Lessons meme from Moms Talk Network. The object is to share a lesson that you learned from your own mom, a special mom in your life, or while raising your own children. The theme this week is regrets and mistakes as a mom.

Oh boy do I have regrets and they all involve my oldest child. He seriously got the short end of the stick. :(

I regret not having a natural labor and childbirth the first time around. I let myself panic and I was really not prepared so I caved and took pain medication. I also let them put on one of those internal fetal monitors that cut into the baby’s scalp.

I regret letting him be vaccinated on the second day of his life.

I regret returning to work and cutting our breastfeeding relationship short.

I regret that I continued to have him vaccinated despite my doubts that the vaccines were hurting him. It took him crashing in the ER to wake me the heck up. His subsequent epilepsy was a nice bonus too. The picture below is one I just found over the weekend from when he was hospitalized after his vaccine injury. I hope this stands as a warning to other moms as to what can happen when you believe a family doctor that says vaccines are perfectly safe:

payton in hospital

I regret that he got 2 silver (mercury) fillings when he was younger.

I regret that he was a SAD (standard American diet) child for his first few years.

I regret that I set that child up for a whole host of problems in life. Seeing how my other two kids are and seeing how healthy they are has really opened my eyes to what my oldest lost out on.

So what about you? What is your greatest mothering regret or mistake?