
Two or three times this week I have seen national news programs discussing social media sites like Twitter and Facebook and how it relates to job and family. They have been talking about whether or not to “friend” or follow your kids or boss. It interests me because in all cases I would say heck NO to friending my boss on social media sites. Putting it all out there for everyone to see can get pretty dicey.

I use social media quite a bit but I try very hard not to say or do anything that will embarrass me, my family, or get me into hot water. I learned that the hard way one time when I was discussing my rather lax European-esque viewpoints on something that is not looked upon kindly in the US. After I got someone threatening to call the police on me I decided that some things just should not be shared….even if I am sooo totally right and they are sooo totally wrong. ;)

Anyway, friends recently shared a link to NetSmartz with me and I am very impressed. The object of the site is to teach kids with cartoons and videos how they can really mess things up for themselves when the are not careful on social media sites. Your boss might read about your drunken night out and fire you the next day. A college might look you up on facebook when considering your application and see your username is maryjanefan. I even read an article recently that potential employers are checking social media profiles to see if you are a gamer and then not hiring people who are. That reference to Warcraft on your Facebook page could kill potential jobs.

We all need to be careful what we put on the Internet and especially kids. This is an awesome, not cheesey way to share that message with them. So foward the site on to any kids you have that use social media to meet and make friends.