Weekend Gardening and a Sweet Surprise!

food freedom

Sunday was gardening day! We began by uncovering the garden bed (approx 40×20) from all the leaves that accumulated there during the fall and winter. We kept the lawn leaf free but the garden got to sit and compost. Already I see that soil condition has greatly improved from last year… lots of black gold. We raked all the leaves to the outside of the bed where we will scoop them up with a mower later on today or tomorrow. Then we dug up some weed clots that had started growing. Tomorrow my husband will get the tiller out and till it several times until it is super soft. After that we plan on having a delivery truck come with a ton of organic soil because the soil that is there has a lot of clay beyond the first 4-5 inches.

While I was raking leaves away I spotted some of my strawberry plants. They have REALLY multiplied and they are growing strong! Last year we had about 8 plants in all and this year I see around 30 growing. Wohoo! Strawberries are my favorite food on the planet!

I also uncovered lots of tulips, hyacinth, and daffodils in the flower beds. They are  not flowering yet but very soon they will be. Ahhh…spring at last. :)

Garden Bed

It doesn’t look like much yet but soon it will be full of food!

Strawberry plants
