Treat Baby Eczema and Cradle Cap Naturally

Treat Baby Eczema and Cradle Cap Naturally

Treat Baby Eczema and Cradle Cap Naturally pinAlthough eczema and cradle cap are not life-threatening, moms want their baby’s skin and scalp smooth and free from itch and rashes that can be uncomfortable.  Since baby’s skin is sensitive some medical formulations or conventional treatment products may have adverse effect on the baby’s skin; it is best to learn how to treat baby eczema and cradle cap naturally.

Natural Baby Baths for Eczema

Because baby’s skin is tender and sensitive, moms should treat cradle cap and eczema naturally to prevent secondary side effects and allergies.  Some emollients when applied cause the eczema to flare up.

Natural remedies are safer and kinder on the skin and they are cheaper too.  When treating your baby of eczema, relieve the itch first to prevent baby from scratching and making the condition worse.  The skin condition is so itchy and your baby will relentlessly scratch the affected area until the skin breaks and the eczema weeps and bleeds.

Prepare baby’s organic porridge oat milk bath by soaking a cup of oats powder in lukewarm water.  The milk of the oats moisturizes the skin and prevents more eczema.  You can process the oat in a food processor or coffee grinder or simply make an oats ball.  For the ball, wrap a cup of oats in cotton cloth and tie the cloth at the ends.  Let the oat ball or powder sit on the bath for 30 minutes before bathing baby.

The treatment should not be given to babies with contact dermatitis as this will only worsen the rashes and increase the itching.  Still avoid using soaps even if it advertises as baby-mild or baby safe.

Also, protect baby’s skin by treating baby’s new clothes to a baking soda wash.  This will eliminate chemical residue that can cause irritation to baby’s very fine and sensitive skin.

If you want the ease of pre-formulated products check out Earth Mama Angel Baby natural lotion and baby wash. They are gentle and natural.

Baby Oil for Cradle Cap

There is no known cause for cradle cap that pops up on baby’s scalps during the first two months.  It starts as a red scaly rash on the scalp that quickly piles up to develop plaques or layers appearing like scabs on the scalp.  This spreads to areas with oil glands along the eyelids, eyebrows, nose creases, behind the ear, groin and under the arms.  Thankfully, this is not itchy and will disappear but will cause hair loss.  It is also known that children who develop cradle cap can develop eczema later.

It is never advised to forcefully remove the plaques as this will cause the scalp to bleed and develop secondary infection.  Mothers agree that the best and safest way to remove cradle cap is to massage baby’s scalp with warmed almond oil, coconut oil, or with extra virgin olive oil.  This is best done before baby’s bath.  After patting baby’s scalp dry, gently comb baby’s hair with a soft brush to remove the loosened plaques or scales.

Breastmilk for Baby’s Skin Ailments

Breastmilk is truly miraculous. It provides babies with the healthiest possible start and everything they need to build a strong immune system but it also does wonders topically for a variety of things. For skin issues apply some liberally to the inflamed areas. allowing it to dry, and it will soothe immediately and help with healing.

Related article with more ideas: Natural Remedies for Baby Eczema