It still amazes me that I have gone the whole summer without buying ANY Popsicles and yet my kids have been eating them all summer long. While the kids across the street run around with sugary Otter Pops my kids have been eating Popsicles that are just as tasty but have no added sugars or food dyes. This week we juiced a 20 pound box of oranges and made frozen OJ pops… we just poured the juice in the molds as it came out of the juicer. They are a hit, just like the pops made from homemade apple juice.
And while they may not be technicolor blue like what the kids across the street have, these are shaped like rockets and MOM made them. That makes them infinitely cooler. Oh and waste free… which is important since the street is littered with Popsicle sticks and plastic wrappers.
Mr. Blue Eyes below LOVES them and will help himself until they are all gone and I have to make more…
Pictured: Tovolo Blue Rocket Pop Molds. We also have the Tovolo Green Shooting Star Pop Molds.