For many years I have used Verizon as my cell phone service carrier. Until we moved recently they also provided my land line but now we are a cell only family. Their service has been outstanding… for the most part. A few months back I let a very crafty salesman talk me into getting a Blackberry. I liked the phone but I didn’t like that $30 Internet charge for it each month. Several times I asked for just a regular phone but once that guy knew I had a thing for the Blackberry he made sure to needle me until I walked out with one. I can only blame myself for being weak… and over the last few months that wasted $30, since I rarely use the Internet feature, has been bothering me.
Then I read about My Plastic Free Life‘s decision to cancel her cell service, despite being happy with it, and go to Credo. That planted a seed in my head and then this week I got a mailing from them and decided to try Credo myself.
So what is Credo? They are a cell service that donates 1% of your cell bill to progressive causes like the ACLU, Feeding America, Democracy Now, Defenders of Wildlife, and many others. They also showed how AT&T and Verizon are sending money to places and people I would rather NOT support…. like Bush, Cheney, McCain, and other conservatives who try to block environmental and social legislation that I agree with. Both of these carriers have been known to stifle free speech by censoring web casts that are critical of Republican campaigns and blocking pro-choice text messages. So much for a free country…
So, as long as I am spending money anyway I thought it would be a good idea to send a portion of that money to progessive, liberal causes. I will also be saving money by switching and getting a no frills phone. AND because I did not want to get a new phone (they had some nice free phones too) I ordered a refurbished phone and I get to keep my same number. Wahoo!
Phone service with a conscience, no new phone, same number… I also get to try it for 30 days risk free with a temporary number. If I find all is well I will make the switch and they are buying me out of my old contract so I won’t be out the $175 early termination fee. I guess I will gift my pink Blackberry away on Freecycle…