Me that’s who! I admit that when I first began my journey as a mom I thought this whole idea of moms needing time away from their kids was selfish. Now after nearly nine years as a mom I can see the folly in my thinking. I guess maybe I thought these “me time” moms were out partying, clubbing, or going on extended vacations. But “me time” can be soooo much more. It can be an hour at the cafe down the street so you can read a book, perhaps a few hours to shop, time to see a movie or go to dinner with a friend. Moms need this time so they can reflect, catch their breath, and re-energize so they can continue to be a good mom.
This year I took up a new hobby that gives me some me time and helps me alleviate stress with creativity…. photography. Capturing moments with a camera is so therapeutic… and so is spending hours playing with Photoshop actions, overlays, textures. etc. I have a basic camera and very basic equipment but think I am not half bad at this…
I am also a movie buff.. always have been. I worked through college at a movie theatre so movies will always have a special place in my heart. I treated myself to a movie twice this week. Well, I saw G.I. Joe with oldest boy too but that doesn’t count. I saw two movies that I highly recommend… The Time Travelers Wife and Julie & Julia.
Julie & Julia was the standout. It is about the life of Julie Powell… a food blogger and Julia Child. I knew next to nothing about Julia Child before this movie and all I can say is WOW. She was one heckuva woman! And Stanley Tucci as her husband was fabulous. I will always have a soft spot for him now… “Julia you are the butter to my bread and the breath to my life…” When I think of timeless love stories I never would have thought of Julia and Paul Child but I should have! Now I cannot wait to go see her actual kitchen that is at the Smithsonian… I am supposed to be going in October. And fair warning.. this movie will make you HUNGRY and will make you want to go buy her cookbook and cook up a storm. You can also buy the book written by Julie Powell that this movie is based on.
Another recent me time activity is sitting outside alone while I read Handmade Home… I cannot say enough good things about this book. It is simply delicious.
So what say you? Me time.. is it important or just an excuse? What do you do for “me time”?