Well, it is official. I am now a Credo Mobile customer. I signed up for a 30 day trial a few weeks back.. you may remember me mentioning it.
During my trial I heard that my current cell company, Verizon, was funding an anti-environment rally and I knew I had to make this switch permanent. On Labor Day, thousands of people will be gathering for the coal-powered “Friends of America Rally” in Holden, WV. Don’t you love the name? Obviously if you support clean energy you must NOT be a friend of America… puhlease. They plan to rail against clean energy legislation and talk about how clean and green energy is a job killer.
The sponsors of this ridiculous event are oil, gas, and coal companies… AND Verizon. My NEW cell company, CREDO, launched a campaign calling on Verizon to drop its sponsorship.
It all boils down to this being yet another choice to send my money to a place where it will do the most good. It is an easy decision really. So far I really like the service, their online account interface is awesome, they have paperless billing, and EASY online bill pay, and since 1985 they have donated over $60 million to groups working for progressive change. Every time I pay my bill a percentage goes toward causes I believe in and certainly NOT to anti-environment rallies!
For anyone else thinking of switching… I think they are only offering to buy out your existing cell contract if you sign up by September 4th… just so you know.