Friday Wrap – Makeovers and Travel

friday wrap upTGIF! Have an awesome weekend everyone!

I am am taking off later today for the whole weekend. We will be heading up north to visit family and some apple orchards if it doesn’t rain. Also hoping I can sneak out and see Fame this weekend.

It has been a stressful couple of weeks. I won’t go into details but the new school is NOT working out well for my son. We need to get away for the weekend and have some fun. I am just sick inside with how stressed he is over this school. I have some meetings coming up with them soon and if things don’t turn around fast I will be homeschooling again.. which actually kind of thrills me… except we are not in the same place we were last year. I am using the time the kids are away at school to work  from home and we are relying on my income now and will be much more so in the upcoming months when my husband’s work slows and temporary lay-offs may start. Working is not the optional thing it was last year, so homeschooling will be problematic.

Well enough about that.. I have some link love for you.

Food Renegade has an AWESOME article about why soy is B-A-D for you. We avoid all soy in this house unless it is fermented… like Miso and Tamari. We used to eat Edaname but now don’t even eat that anymore. Take a look at the article for a very comprehensive list of reasons you should just say no. Did you know “an infant taking the recommended amount of soy formula is consuming a hormone load equivalent of 4 birth control pills a day”? Yikes!!

I also really enjoyed Beth’s Fake Plastic Fish this week with her Tale of Two Laundry Baskets and her review of Living in the Age of Stupid, a limited release movie I REALLY wanted to see. :(

This week I also discovered The Best of Your Before and Afters. LOVE it!! They showcase recycled furniture and housewares showing the before and after pictures. It shows how you can make something rather trashy into a treasure and is no doubt inspiring others to recycle before the buy new.

For a few weeks I have been enjoying Ceilydh Sets Sail. It is a blog that follows a family who lives on a boat and I find it quite fascinating.

Another thing that has long fascinated me is families who travel for months or years at a time via motor home or travel trailer. Since my plan to escape out of the country has met with so much resistance from family I have started a slush fund to purchase one of these recreational vehicles so we can start with getaways closer to home and maybe only a few weeks to a couple months at a time. My parents will be retiring in a couple years and plan to do this themselves so it would be awesome if we could all go together. Anyway I saw a fabulous Winnebago makeover this week. Is it not incredible?? I could sooo live in something like that! Also the family who did this makeover actually sold it a few weeks later and bought a huge motor home so they could travel full time. I love blogs where people are really living their wildest dreams!

And sending love and positive vibes to Kristen this weekend who is on an important journey.

Have a fabulous weekend!