Rocco The Meat Loving Cowboy

I guess I need to start watching Dr. Oz. Love the guy but since I don’t watch much TV I never catch his show. He has got to be one of the most awesome MDs out there AND he is on mainstream TV sharing his important knowledge. He is one of the reasons I started drinking green smoothies… he and Kris Carr that is. I saw them on Oprah making green juices and since I had cancer, just like Kris, it really hit home with me. At the time I was on medication that made my throat swell if I drank anything colder than lukewarm but as soon that was out of my system I started drinking those green smoothies.

Well, I missed the Rocco sensation. Apparently this meat loving cowboy was advised by Dr. Oz to go vegan for 28 days and the results were miraculous. It was especially timely for me since I went out of town with my kiddos this weekend and my hubby stayed behind. I went to my parents house and made vegetarian and vegan meals for them. No meat was eaten ALL weekend in that house and my dad and brother are total carnivores. Neither of them thinks it is a meal unless it has meat. Well for lunch one day we had nothing but a huge array of fruit dipped in raw chocolate (fondue). They complained but they ate it. We had flax cereal every morning and veggie casseroles or whole wheat veggie pasta for dinner.

My hubby made meatloaf while I was gone but as soon as I got home we setteled in to a dinner of yams, vegan ceasar salads, and cornbread with maple syrup. And we are going to do the chocolate fondue thing in my house often… the kids LOVED it. Here is to hoping to that my meat eating men learn something from Rocco. Enjoy the video below. I did!


Thanks to Kristen for introducing me to it!