Let it Snow for Winter Sports!

Playing in the snow

Just one day after I posted about wanting snow… we welcomed our first snow and we celebrated the day by going sledding of course. We got our toboggan ready and away we went. And boy am I glad I scooped one of them up for $20 at a yard sale!

At first I tried to get out of a long drive by going to a cemetary nearby that has decent hills but alas they were not steep/fast enough for my brood. So we went to a park that has some very steep hills that relatively tree free. 

Wood Toboggan

3 Kids sledding  on a Tobaggan

Child Pulling brother on a sled

My oldest boy did a little running while pulling the sled and his younger brother. 

Harding Memorial

They stopped to check out the resting place of President Harding and his wife, which makes this an educational outing too I guess. 

Kids Sledding

Back on the slopes… these hills are MUCH better and they even found some people to race. Our wooden toboggan kicks plastic sled booty.

Hiking up Snowy Hill

Kids Sledding

Looking forward to more snow days!