Cool product alert!!  I am super excited to have found these in my Internet browsing this morning. While I do have more than enough reusable bags there are just times when I forget them. Yes, I put them in the car, I often carry a pocket size bag in my purse even but once I use that and carry it in the house, I am so bad about remembering to put them back. I have ended up getting paper bags more often than I would like to admit.

These shopping cart baskets may be just what I need. They are supposed to be big in Europe and Reusit is the first US company offering them here. You stick them inside the shopping cart and fill them with groceries. Then you take them out to put on the store conveyor belt for purchase and just ask the bagging clerk to forgo bagging and fill the baskets again. How easy is that???

No more eye rolling and sighs from store clerks who don’t want to fill your reusable bags, heck they don’t have to bag at all so their job just got a lot easier. And in seconds you can have everything loaded into the car to take home. I would guess that these would be heavy though so my plan would be to transfer groceries from the baskets to large reusable bags when I get home. This way it wouldn’t mater if I forgot my bags and the baskets would just always be in the trunk where they belong. OR I could have the husband do the heavy lifting… that works too. ;)

Anyway, I thought these could be really useful and I love that in a day and age when everyone is jumping on the green bandwagon and half the stuff I see out there is only mildly helpful, if at all.  I could definitely use these.