Usually twice a week I forgo the morning green smoothie and drink a Kefir one instead. I am one of those people who will forget to eat breakfast but I have no problem remembering to drink it. My Kefir making process is pretty simple. I ferment dairy for Kefir 1 day a week and keep it in a half gallon Ball jar when done. The rest of the week, the grains rest in the frig.
This smoothie is ready in 2 minutes… just 2 cups of homemade Kefir, a cup of frozen fruit, a banana, and for me at least… a Tbsp of Colonix powder. You could forgo adding anything or go with hemp powder or flax seeds for an extra boost. I prefer the Colonix for its intestinal cleaning properties. It works great and tastes great. Plus as a colon cancer survivor I am always cognizant of my digestive track, adding this to Kefir makes my insides doubly happy.
But I am always looking for more amazing ways to drink Kefir. What is your favorite kefir recipe/drink?