One of the easiest ways to “go green” with your beauty supplies is to adopt a minimalist approach. Less is more. Going minimal in the make-up and beauty products department is a good way to de-clutter your bathroom and daily routines. Saving money is another side effect worth considering too. The best benefits though would be to your body and our planet. Here are some things to consider when perusing the beauty department at the the local store.
Make-up Is Toxic – Make-up and beauty products are loaded with chemical nasties that are bad for your body and bad for our planet. Reading a book like Toxic Beauty or Dying to Look Good can help you sort through the numerous reasons why it may be time to change the way you think about beauty and make-up. Are YOU dying to look good?
Our skin is our largest organ and when we slather it with carcinogens and other harmful chemicals, those compounds are being absorbed into our bloodstream. With that in mind should we really be putting things on our skin that we couldn’t also eat? Probably not. So instead of reaching for that conventional make-up or that tube of designer lipstick try safer products like those from Miessence. They are very natural and safe and are probably the only make-up I would use… if I wore any.
Loving Yourself Is Beautiful – Loving and caring for your body means not polluting it. Instead of spending $50 a month on make-up, start going without and use that money on nice haircuts, massages, or a gym membership. There are others ways to improve yourself without donning a toxic mask. One of the best beauty tricks I have found for the skin is to drink Green Smoothies. It plumps up your skin and makes it look younger and hydrated. It’s better than Botox!
Natural Works Just As Well – Why buy moisturizer when you can use coconut oil? Why buy shampoo when you can use baking soda and apple cider vinegar? Natural products are safe, cheap, and they work. They may not make you smell like a sugar cookie or a tea rose but this is a small price to pay.
Make-up is Clutter – Many women have a tendency to over do it on make-up and beauty products and then not even use them. If you have lotion or lipstick from 10 years ago in your make-up drawer you are probably one of these women. Decide that you will only own the basics (if you must)… good make-up brushes, mascara, blush, powder, lipstick. Select a set number and buy a small make-up bag. You can’t have more than what you can put in your bag. Eventually you will see that you never needed all that extra stuff anyway and your bathroom will be clean! I remember the days when I wore make-up and there was always loose powder or mascara smears on the bathroom counter. I cannot tell you how much I don’t miss the clutter and mess.
Be a Good Example For Your Children – By being that person who cannot leave the house without 20 minutes of beautification and a mask of make-up we are perpetuating the stereotype that beauty comes in a bottle. Our kids will get enough warped messages from ads and media that they are not good enough the way they are. The last thing they need is to receive that message at home too. Set a good example for them.
What is your secret minimalist beauty trick?